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Lab 1: Introduction to Analog Concepts & Measurement Tools
Helpful Tips
The figure below demonstrates how to wire the power circuit in station 5. Note that the values themselves are not indicative of what you will actually measure. However, the layout can be followed to help you wire up the circuit correctly.

Clarifying Notes
- Circuit 5 references a Google doc where you must record your data. The link for this is on Blackboard under announcements.
- The graphs you’ll create in the lab homework require you to record current on the x-axis and voltage on the y-axis. This is weird because voltage is the IV and is plotted on the y-axis. But it is not a typo. No credit will be given to any graphs that have voltage on the x-axis and current on the y-axis. You also must include 100% of your data points in your graph, not just some of them.
Watch/read the following resources prior to attending this lab. This information will teach you how to use lab equipment and provide suggestions and technical tips for successfully completing the lab.
- Textbook: Sections 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, and 3.6
- Video: Breadboard
- Video: DC power supply
- Video: Constant current source
- Video: Tabletop multimeter
- Video: I made these videos for Physics 1100, but will give you a feel for how I like graphs to be formatted.
- Website: Digi-Key 4-band resistor color code calculator
- Infographic: Wiring a potentiometer vs. wiring a variable resistor
- Infographic: Using a potentiometer as a variable resistor
- Infographic: Connecting common circuit components to a breadboard
- Infographic: Using the constant current source
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